Strawberry skewers with chocolate

10 min active, 10 min passive
  • 500 g Strawberries
  • 200 g Your choice of chocolate
  • 1 Teaspoon Coconut oil
  • 3 Teaspoon Almonds, chopped
  • Water
  1. Place the grill in the Standard position while preheating the lower part of the Dutch Oven for 10 minutes at the highest level. Keep the lid closed.

  2. Get all of the ingredients ready.

  1. Wash the strawberries and remove the stalks and leaves. Put the strawberries onto the skewers evenly. Roughly chop the chocolate and place into a heat-resistant bowl with the coconut oil.

  2. Cover the tray with baking paper and place the strawberry skewers on top.

  3. Fill the preheated cast iron pan with water and heat it and bring it to a slight boil. Place the bowl in a bain-marie and melt it while stirring continuously at the lowest temperature (approximately 32 °C)

  4. Pour the liquid chocolate over the strawberries and garnish with almonds. Rotate the skewers so that the chocolate is evenly spread over the strawberries

  5. Cooking

  • When using the Lugano gas kettle barbecue, the chocolate sauce can also be prepared on the side hot plate.

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